Choosing a power system

Choosing what powers your plane is a big question for many people who scratch build moderate sized planes.(If you are looking to select the power system size for your plane follow the link here)

Below 20 inches Wing Span
For planes with wingspan less than 20 inches , electrics is the only way to go.
there are planes with small cox engines with less than 20 inches wingspan, but that is other side of the story.
As engine gets smaller, the thrust to weight ratio decreases such that the plane needs to be lighter but stronger requiring special/complex/costly material like balsa. for smaller size electric motors produce much power and can be made to overwork near the red line to achieve satisfactory flight.

20 to 60 inches Wing Span
 For planes with wingspan above 60 inches, gas engine/ nitro engine is the best choice. although there are electric motors and ESCs equivalent  to the size of 100cc gas engine, they tend to become costly and complex enough to spoil the fun of going for a engine. Also huge lipos are quite dangerous while charging and discharging. On the other hand, gasoline engines give tremendous power for a smaller size and are relatively cheaper in fuel consumption when compared to their nitro counterparts.

For planes with 20 to 60 inches Wing Span
Now we've come to the most crucial part of the power system selection where one would be confused to make a selection. Here are a few points you can consider before settling upon for a power system.

1.The location you have for flying. Electrics are suitable and safe for small grounds. if you have a big field           with dedicated runway, go for a engine.
2.Check you local law and your AMA guidelines. If its illegal to fly a engine based plane stick with a electric setup.
3.Engine based planes need lot of tuning and maintenance, go for it if you are ready for the mess.
4. Availability of  fuel. Nitromethane/Methanol is banned in certain states. Check if you have good constant         supply of fuel for your flying sessions.
5. Determine what kind of flyer you want to become. if you are a relaxing flyer who like to spend the Sunday      with a plane better go for electrics. and if you love the thrill and sound of flying a engine based plane, go         for it.

There are lot more factors that can change your decision and needs. Analyse everything before making a purchase.

Choosing the power setup for scratch built models

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