Monday 14 April 2014

Electronics Part 2

This part two of this section talks about Electric propulsion system for RC planes.

It consist mainly of three parts,

Electric motor
ESC-Electronic speed controller
Battery AKA Lipo

Electric Motor(BLDC):
These are nothing but small sized three phase induction motor and they runs on three phase AC supply.
Simple enough right? but they really aren''t. there is some complex theory like RPM, KV, wattage, amps, cell type information needed to choose the right type for the right application. more on those complex stuffs later.
From now on we will start calling them as BLDC-Brushless DC motors

This magic electronic thingy is responsible for converting the DC supply from a battery to three phase AC supply to run the BLDC. it controls the speed by varying the time difference between each signals and thereby slowing down or speeding up the magnetization and de-magnetization process for the motor.
this process is exclusively controlled by the input signal from receiver.

No explanation needed for Mr.Battery. there are many types of battery depending on their chemistry like Lead acid, NiCad, NiMh, Li-ion, Lipo and so on. Lipo-short form for Lithium Polymer battery is widely used since it drawbacks out-weight their advantages.
Fast charging compared with NiMh, Lighter than Lead acid batteries, High discharge capacity(100Amps!!!) High charge density(2Ah battery for less than 250gms!!!) Surprisingly a quick search on our great grand father google throws out more number of fire accident videos than any good things that happened with Lipos. so better be careful with this stuff and always observe the most precaution while charging and storing Lipos.
investigate a lipo thoroughly  and after a crash and do not use it if it Puffed or gets hot while charging.
more on Lipo safety later.

with this said, the above three devices are enough to make your plane move forward. lets look for the control system.

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