Monday 14 April 2014

Electronics part 1

The life and soul of modern Aeromodelling.

There are two main parts of RC planes.

1.Propulsion: to drive the plane forward
2.Control system: to control the movement of the plane during flight.

Lets see about each of them in detail

Gasoline engines/Glow engines were primarily used in olden days to propel the planes.
They are Fast, costly, dangerous, noisy, messy, little difficult stuff to work with but gives the real thrill of a model airplane. a Real plane runs on engine an a model plane should run on engine. Flying place are more and more getting crowded and there are less places left that are suitable to fly nitros.

Electric motors are a good alternatives for fuel run engines. Cheaper and available and no tuning and expertise requires makes the glow engines obsolete. Motors have their downsides too,
Flight Time is very less for a given size and speed. pound to pound, apple to apple the power, efficiency, speed is very less when compared with fuel counterparts.
But they are more suitable for beginners who want to have a gentle and mind soothing flight on a Sunday morning. they are more suitable for certain applications like multirotors, FPV, aerial filming where more electronics involved which dont like 'vibration and fuel gunk.

Control system:
Can be called the nervous system or muscular system of RC planes.
They control the movement of control surface like elevator, rudder, ailerons, flaps, landing gears et all.
Servos are used traditionally as control systems. they have only seen a few good advancements like metal gear servos, Slim servos for wings, micros servos for foam planes, High voltage servos for heavy purpose like landing gears etc.

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